Number 2


Emigration as a way to a better future? – plans for international migration among students of the Medical University of Lublin - 38
Kamil Janeczek, Faustyna Piędel, Klaudia Pagacz, Andrzej Emeryk

Psychological support of students with national identity transformations - 43
Liubov Spivak, Diana Piontkovska

The application of “the patient satisfaction assessment” as a method for assessing hospital management efficency - 47
Joanna Kozłowiec, Monika Kozłowiec

The influence of the sensitivity of the trapezius muscle on the changes within the bioelectric tensions of the masticatory muscles - 52
Grzegorz Zieliński, Michał Baszczowski, Michał Ginszt, Aleksandra Byś, Piotr Gawda

Communication and perioperative care of elderly patients - 55
Marta Kotomska, Aldona Michalak

Renal-cell carcinoma – novel concepts of classification - 61
Maria Pyda-Karwicka, Malwina Karwicka, Magdalena Orłowska, Mariusz Krata, Agnieszka Pedrycz

The impact of carbohydrate intake on the behavior and cognitive functions of children and adolescents - 64
Weronika Wasyluk, Gabriela Zdunek, Agnieszka Pedrycz

Organization of dental care – caries prophylaxis in children and teenagers in Poland - 68
Krzysztof Włoch, Piotr Książek, Anna Krajewska, Dorota Rolińska


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