Nutritive value of chosen special purpose dietary products

Original Article, Pol J Public Health 2018;128(1): 14-18

Edyta Kowalczuk-Vasilev, Renata Klebaniuk, Wioletta Samolińska,
Bożena Kiczorowska, Filip Bielak

Department of Bromatology and Nutrition Physiology, Institute of Animal Nutrition and Bromatology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland

DOI_disc_logo 10.2478/pjph-2018-0003

© 2018 Medical University of Lublin. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonComercial-No Derivs licence (


Introduction. Foodstuffs of special nutritional use and dietary supplements, especially in the case of sportsmen, have been known and widely used in human nutrition, nourishment, and convalescence for many years.

Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional value of two groups of special dietary formulations and, in particular, to compare the nutrient and energy content declared by producers with that revealed by the present analyses.

Material and methods. The nutritional value of two groups of formulations was assessed. The first group comprised for­mulations for undernourished subjects or those with contraindications to use diets with normal content of proteins and/or fats. The second group of formulations included products intended for strengthening the organism and targeted mainly at sportsmen. Samples of purchased products were analyzed for the content of basic components: dry matter, total protein, crude fat, crude ash, and structural carbohydrates. The content of carbohydrates and energy value was calculated mathematically. Additionally, the content of selected minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese) was determined.

Results. The content of carbohydrates, proteins, and especially fat in the chemical composition of the analyzed products declared by the producers differed from the levels determined in this study. In the mineral composition, differences were noted in the content of macroelements, while the content of micronutrients did not differ from the declared values. Despite the differences in the composition, the declared and calculated calorific values in all formulations were similar.

Conclusions. There were differences between the declared and determined contents of nutrients in the analyzed formulations. The labels of the special-purpose industrial formulations purchased in pharmacies provided more information about their com­position and nutritional value, whereas the information presented on the labels of the athlete supplements were less informative. Consumption of the supplements, in particular those dedicated for sportsmen, should be supervised by a doctor or dietitian.

Keywords: foodstuffs of special medical use, dietary supplements, food monitoring.

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