Do duties of students of medicine be cause for stress?

Original Article, Pol J Public Health 2016;126(3); 122-125

Marta Lis-Sochocka, Patrycja Chylińska-Wrzos, Ewelina Wawryk-Gawda,
Kamila Bulak, Barbara Jodłowska-Jędrych

Chair and Department of Histology and Embryology with Experimental Cytology Unit, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

DOI_disc_logo 10.1515/pjph-2016-0025


Introduction. For young adults, one of the sources of peer interaction problems is the fact that they are burdened with an increasing number of duties and their pace of life increases. Since they are usually burdened with huge amount of study material, medicine students are particularly vulnerable.

Aim. The aim of this work was to determine the relationship between their obligations, stress levels and their peer or family relationships.

Material and methods. The study involved 242 students (148 women and 94 men) of the first year of daily studies, aged 18-30 (median – 20 years). The assessment was performed in March 2016, and the research tool was an anonymous survey. This took into account, inter alia, data on the demands of their studies, and their peer and family affinities.

Results. Using the results, around 71% of all respondents consider themselves to be over-burdened with the obligations resulting from their choice of study. Among these, women were more likely to self-assess themselves as overburdened (65%). Moreover, out of all respondents, approx. 27% of all, considered excessive workload as a major source of stress. This, however, does not significantly affect their peer and family relationships, because approx. 95% of all respondents consider such these to be be either good or rather good.

Conclusions. Medical students are burdened with responsibilities. This can be a source of stress, but overall, does not affect social and family associations.

Full Text


responsibilities, students, teaching load, stress.


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