Number 4


Daria Przybylska, Piotr Przybylski, Bartłomiej Drop, Krzysztof Czarnocki, Wojciech Przybylski, Katarzyna Drop, Magdalena Quinton

2. The impact of professional activity on the health status of healthcare managers - 185

Anna Romanova, Svetlana Novitskaya, Evgeny Tishchenko, Yurij Meshcharakov

3. Influence of alcohol consumption on risky behaviors among students of first and fourth year of the Medical Faculty - 190

Piotr Książek, Piotr Dreher, Kinga Grabska, Dominika Trojanowska, Agata Słowińska, Sylwia Dreher

4. Parental alcohol abuse and eating behaviors in adolescents - 194

Anna Cur, Kinga Szymona, Marek Domański, Aneta Opolska, Mariusz Jojczuk

5. Assessment of the severity of nausea and vomiting among women during pregnancy vs. selected risk factors - 197

Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib

7. The professional image of a nurse as seen by parents of children hospitalized in the oncology department - 205

Agnieszka Wańkowicz, Paweł Golubka, Dominik Dłuski, Wiktoria Golubka, Radzisław Mierzyński, Piotr Wańkowicz, Kristiana Golubka, Ivan Golubka, Anna Bednarek, Dorota Darmochwał-Kolarz

8. Report on the first year of applying initial assessment of nutritional status in hospital inpatients - 211

Magdalena Brodowicz-Król, Małgorzata Pachuta, Zofia Pękała

10. Frequency of hospitalization in patients diagnosed with congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) - 219

Piotr Okoński, Patrycja Misztal-Okońska, Marek Okoński, Piotr Książek, Mariusz Goniewicz


February 2025

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